David Surprenant, MD, Deaconess Clinic Dermatology
Every year from October 15 through December 7, those eligible for Medicare can change their Medicare Advantage plan for the following year or switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage.
David Moore, MD, Deaconess Clinic Urology The annual “No Shave November” campaign supports prostate and testicular cancer awareness and provides a great opportunity to share information related to cancer screenings for men.
Do you suffer from ingrown toenails? Although ingrown nails can occur on the fingers, it occurs much more commonly on the toes, especially the big toe. While sometimes it is necessary to see your healthcare provider, such in the case of infection, there are some things you can do at home to prevent and treat an ingrown toenail.
Many people were shocked when soccer journalist Grant Wahl suddenly collapsed and died in December 2022 while covering the World Cup in Qatar. It was revealed a few days later that Wahl, 49, had died from an aortic aneurysm.
A central part of staying healthy is also one of the best therapies for diabetes. What is it, you may ask? Physical Activity! The benefits of exercise are many — from weight loss to improving stress and anxiousness, to lowering blood glucose.
Diabetes is a serious condition that is becoming more common every day. This disease affects more than 37.3 million people in the U.S., which is about 11.3% of the population.
Among its many benefits, sleep is restorative, playing a role in muscle repair, protein synthesis, tissue growth and hormone release. It reduces stress — sharpening the mind and improving judgment — and also improves memory.
Despite the name, vascular surgeons do more than surgery. They advise patients on various ways to treat and manage vascular issues, whether that be by medication or lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. The goal is always to match the patient with the best treatment option.
Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure used to prevent blood clots for patients with atrial fibrillation who are unable to take long term anticoagulation. If you've been told that you have atrial fibrillation but have trouble with blood thinners, you may be a candidate for LAAO.
According to the CDC, about 6.2 million adults in the United States have heart failure. The term “heart failure” sounds like the heart is no longer working at all, but it actually means the heart simply isn’t pumping as well as it should. We can help manage your diagnosis.
Amy Lau, MSN, RN, CIC, Infection Preventionist, Deaconess Health System With the highly-contagious omicron variant spreading throughout our community, cases of COVID-19 are on the rise. This has led to many questions about which masks work best. Find answers here.
From the Deaconess Wellness Team While we are celebrating with family or prepping for a gathering during the holidays, it is very important to keep mindful of our eating patterns. We often eat additional calories without realizing it. Find tips on healthy eating here.
Christi Pagett, MD, Family Medicine, Deaconess Clinic - West Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is also known as the “silent killer.” The American Heart Association reports that nearly 50% of American adults have hypertension. Learn symptoms and treatment options here.
Scott Branam, CEO of Deaconess Cross Point September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness and promote suicide prevention.
September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men after skin cancer. It's important for men to be screened for prostate cancer in order to catch it in early, more treatable stages.
Reviewed by Majed Koleilat, MD, Deaconess Clinic Allergy and Immunology A break down of the reasons why you should still get vaccinated.
Jugesh Cheema, MD, Radiologist, Evansville Radiology Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, killing more Americans than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined. Fortunately, there is a screening tool available for those at risk for lung cancer, but many people don’t take advantage of this option.
Jonathan Balagna, MD, FACC, Deaconess Heart Group If you’re concerned about your risk for heart disease, a heart scan may be helpful for you. Deaconess is excited to now offer this new screening option to the community for only $49. As a physician, I know that this test has the potential to prevent heart attacks and save lives.
Medicare has different parts that cover different services. Understanding these parts will help you know what to look for when determining your needs and when you’re ready to enroll.
Prediabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. A person with prediabetes is not only at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but also at higher risks for heart disease and stroke. Learn steps for prevention.
Summer is here, and as many people like to enjoy the outdoors, it is important to remember that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can increase the risk of developing sun-related skin cancer. Find tips on how to protect yourself and your family.
Join Deaconess Employee Wellness health coaches, Gabriella Eddings and Susie Ann Oliver, in this 4-session program to discover how you can incorporate simple, healthy swaps into your day!
Deaconess Cancer Services April is Oral, Head and Neck Cancers Awareness Month--an appropriate time to share information about these serious cancers. While not common, these types of cancers are on the rise, especially in young adults.
Vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are proving to be the best hope for ending the pandemic. As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues authorizing emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines, many people have questions. Find answers to frequently asked questions here.
Why do I still smoke? How can I quit? These are questions that most smokers ask themselves almost daily. We are all familiar with the hazards of smoking, but there is still nothing easy about quitting. The fear of developing lung cancer, strokes, heart disease, emphysema, and other lung diseases often doesn’t do enough to help people quit because nicotine is an addiction.
Jung Smith, MD, Deaconess Clinic Mary Street Most people are aware pediatric vaccinations are very important to prevent serious diseases and related complications. However, people often forget there are adult vaccinations and boosters that are recommended to keep us healthy and prevent complications associated with certain infections.
Terry Gehlhausen, DO, Deaconess Clinic Oakland City Growing attention to the health benefits of physical fitness has millions of Americans thinking about how they can get more exercise. Walking, hiking and biking are a few easy options to get people started on a daily exercise routine.
Deaconess Clinic Downtown Health screenings help doctors and other providers detect conditions at earlier, more treatable stages.
No one understands a hard shift like your coworkers who experienced it with you. Here are a few tips to support each other in tense times.
If you love a medical professional serving on the front lines of the global pandemic, here are some ways to support them when they are not at work.
It’s always good practice to plan ahead for emergencies, but that planning becomes even more important when you have specific dietary needs and restrictions.
Mary Tadros, MD, Deaconess Clinic Endocrinology As an endocrinologist, I help manage issues related to hormones in the body. I see many patients with thyroid disorders, which can lead to a variety of health issues
Victoria Edwards, MD, Deaconess Clinic Owensboro What's the difference between a cold or the flu? How should you treat symptoms to feel better fast? And when is it time to seek medical care?
Deaconess Cross Pointe If you are one of the millions of Americans who finds themselves “in a funk” through the colder and darker months, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
David Moore, MD, Deaconess Clinic Urology June is Men’s Health Month--a great opportunity to help men know how they can age better, with better urologic health, including kidney health, prostate issues, and concerns related to erectile dysfunction.
Deaconess Clinic Internal Medicine The American Heart Association released study information and new guidelines at their annual conference.
Bradley Scheu, DO, Deaconess Clinic Gateway Mia Hindi, MD, Deaconess Clinic Gastroenterology The American Cancer Society recently revised its its colorectal screening guidelines. Learn more.
The holiday season can be very difficult for someone grieving the loss of a loved one. An expert from Deaconess VNA Hospice shares tips on making the holidays easier for yourself, or for someone you love.
Deborah Pfeiffer, MS, RD, Deaconess Weight Loss Solutions The holiday season is filled with traditions — and amazing food! How are you supposed to choose nutrition over homemade desserts and family favorites? The simple answer is planning. (Recipes are also included.)
David Ryon, MD, Deaconess Pulmonary and Critical Care As a doctor specializing in lung diseases, I have seen the negative outcomes resulting from tobacco use. Many patients ask me if “vaping” is better than cigarettes. I tell them the answer is complex.
Deborah Pfeiffer, MS, RD, Deaconess Weight Loss Solutions Thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings and visit with family and friends. It’s also a time to enjoy holiday foods. With just a little bit of effort, you can eat your favorite dishes and still achieve your goals for better health. Don’t believe me? Keep reading. (I share some great recipes too!)
Carolyn Burns, RD, Deaconess Weight Loss Solutions Eating a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains is great for our health, but can sometimes lead to bloating, gas, and other abdominal discomfort. Learn tips on making healthy food choices while still being able to go out in public.
Adam Becker, MD, Deaconess Clinic Urology Low sex drive, depressive mood, decreased muscle mass, fatigue... these are all signs of low T, or low testosterone.
Pediatrics & Internal Medicine, Deaconess Clinic Morganfield
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to be sick with the flu. A week or more of serious body aches, coughing, fever, etc. is not how I want to spend my time. Be prepared by getting your flu vaccine before flu season starts!
Deaconess Clinic Downtown Americans seem to try one trendy diet after another. Recently, a low carbohydrate diet called Ketogenic (Keto) has gained popularity.
Amanda Bohleber, MD, Deaconess Clinic Medical Director It’s never been easier to schedule an appointment with a Deaconess doctor or service. Online scheduling is convenient, helps busy families and people on the go, and improves access to the care you need--when and where you need it.
Debbie Pfeiffer, MS, Registered Dietitian Vacation is a great time to reduce stress and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. It’s not, however, the time to turn back on healthy lifestyle changes you worked on through the winter and spring months. Here are a few ways to maintain healthy habits when you’re out of town and out of your normal routine.
Rebecca Hopper, MD, Pediatrics/Internal Medicine, Deaconess Clinic Henderson About 20 million United States citizens get a sexually transmitted infection each year, with 15 to 24-year-olds accounting for half of all new STIs. Protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections is important and should be achieved not through fear, but rather education.
Deaconess Weight Loss Solutions It’s that time of year again! New Year’s Day is around the corner and many of us are starting to think about making a resolution. But how do you stick to your resolution and not give up before Valentine’s Day? We’ve listed some tips below on how to make and keep momentum toward your New Year’s resolution throughout the year.
The Deaconess Heart Group Learn about these healthy tips and why they’re important to you.
Ankita Bahuva, MD, Internal Medicine, Deaconess Clinic Downtown Your doctors’ appointments are an important and valuable time to connect with your doctor, share your perspective and information, and learn from your doctor’s expertise. The best appointments happen when patients are very prepared.
Mohammed Allaw, MD Internal Medicine, Deaconess Clinic Gateway Professional Building Cancer screening recommendations can be confusing for many people--in my 20 years of practicing primary care medicine for adults, thousands of patients have had questions about various cancer screenings.
In this article, I’ll focus on breast, prostate, lung, colon and skin cancer screenings.
Lu Weil, Injury Prevention Coordinator, Deaconess Regional Trauma Center Motorcyclists have all the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle driver on the road. This means they are entitled to their space on the road, no matter the size of their ride. This also means that they must follow the same road laws as other vehicles, including keeping a safe distance from other vehicles. Remember to “share the road” with motorcyclists, and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe.
Deaconess Clinic Darmstadt Urinary tract infections are very common, can be quite painful, and can cause serious complications if untreated.
Deaconess Clinic Downtown June is Men’s Health Month, a time for men to reflect on ways they can better care for themselves to be at their best for themselves and their families.
Gail Lee, Deaconess Health Science Librarian Researching health topics online can be frustrating, confusing and even scary, as it can be hard to know if information you find is correct and accurate. This article will empower you know how to find quality health information, and to recognize potentially bad sources of information.
We all know that it’s “good” to give. Giving to charitable causes helps these organizations to continue functioning, providing services, and helping the community. But did you know that giving is actually good for your physical and mental health?
Deaconess Clinic Downtown In Part One of this article, I discussed making the most of your doctor’s visit, the dangers of tobacco, the benefits of exercise and sleep, and how you can best monitor your salt intake.
Dr. Carla Essling, Family Medicine Physician, Deaconess Clinic Gateway Professional Building Cold symptoms are usually milder in nature than those of the flu—but can make you pretty miserable. Cold symptoms also start more gradually than flu symptoms.
Dr. James Gutman, Family Medicine Deaconess Clinic Chicken-pox are nearly a childhood rite of passage… Quarantine from others, being doused in calamine lotion and strong inclinations to take a hairbrush to those itchy miserable lesions. The varicella virus (or chickenpox) primes patients to develop herpes zoster later on in life.
Deaconess Health Systems Do you like to golf? Golf is a great low-risk injury sport for all ages. Here are a few healthy golf facts for you to know next time you're out on the course.
Dr. Ron Pyle, Neonatologist at The Women's Hospital A day to remember for some, a day to reflect for others and hopefully a day to celebrate all our fathers and what they mean to us. For me, it is a day to say thank you to my hero, my role model, my father. It is also a day to measure how I’m doing as a Dad.
Terry Gehlhausen, DO, Deaconess Clinic Family Medicine People who follow a few simple steps to improve their health have less cancer and heart disease compared to other Americans, and their overall death rate is significantly reduced compared to other people under age 65. Here are ten choices you can make that will lead to a longer and healthier life:
Deaconess Health Editorial Staff With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may be scrambling to come up with a great date idea. While the old standbys of flowers and chocolate are always popular, it may be time to spice things up a bit and think outside-the-box with some healthy date alternatives. Here are some date ideas to get you and your special someone active and healthy.
Dr. Jung Smith, Family Medicine, Deaconess Clinic I think it’s wise to have a stash of basic medications for everyone in the family, so I want to share information about various over-the-counter medications, to help you decide what you should have in YOUR well-stocked medicine cabinet.
Deaconess Clinic Urology Health screenings help doctors and other providers detect conditions at earlier, more treatable stages. Whether we’re screening for blood glucose (for diabetes), cholesterol (for heart disease) or PSA (for prostate cancer), the goal of all screenings is to bring attention to a problem or a developing problem.
Deaconess Clinic Urology Deaconess Clinic Oncology There are two cancers that are exclusive to men—prostate and testicular cancers. Like all cancers, catching them early means the best chance of a good prognosis.
Deaconess Clinic Urology Once a couple has decided that their family is complete, or a man simply knows that he doesn’t want future children, vasectomy is an option to consider. Vasectomy is highly effective and is covered by insurance.