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Simulation Education Program

Impacting Outcomes through Simulation
When an unexpected high-risk delivery occurs, both timing and proper training play key roles in outcomes for the newborn and mother. The Women's Hospital provides on-site simulation trainings for both instances.

Simulated medical experiences improve patient safety, staff confidence, and knowledge retention due to hands on experiences.

Excellence in Medical Education
We are proud to positively impact maternal and neonatal outcomes by offering The Women’s Hospital Simulation Education Program. On-site simulation training sessions are designed to focus on maternal care and/or newborn resuscitation and can be tailored to the needs of your facility. High-fidelity manikins provide a safe environment which healthcare professionals can practice high acuity, low frequency events. Our goal is to impact outcomes and be the premiere resources for obstetrical and neonatal simulation training in Southern Indiana and the surrounding tristate.

Simulation Education Program Objectives
  • Complete an on-site assessment.
  • Develop customized training according to the specific needs and goals of your facility.
  • Provide a safe learning environment.
  • Identify and communicate latent safety threats through simulation.
  • Provide a forum for healthcare providers to discuss concerns and develop evidence-based solutions that can lead to improved patient outcomes.
Maternal Clinical Scenarios
  • Precipitous Delivery  
  • Shoulder Dystocia
  • Abruption
  • Cord Prolapse
  • Maternal Cardiac Arrest
  • Hypertensive Emergencies
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage
Neonatal Clinical Scenarios
  • Infant Stabilization
  • Very Low Birth Weight Infant
  • Hypovolemic Infant
  • Depressed Infant
  • CPAP Training
  • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
  • Intubation Training with Surfactant Administration
Thank You 
Thank you to our partners for the generous funding in order to make this program possible: The Women's Hospital simulation training minivanThe Women's Hospital simulation training minivan

Thank you Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana for providing The Women's Hospital with a Toyota Sienna minivan. 

For Information and Scheduling
For more information or to schedule an on-site simulation training for your health facility, please contact Denise Johnson, Simulation Educator, at or 812-858-7672.
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