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Advanced Services

Deaconess Gastroenterology now offers a wide range of procedures that once required patients to travel out of town. These procedures are now conveniently offred right here in the tri-state.
Advanced Endoscopy Line

We have a dedicated hotline set up to respond to the advanced/therapeutic endoscopy needs in our region. Please call this number if you have any questions about services provided or if one of your patients may benefit. We have dedicated staff assigned to answer these calls and schedule your patient in a timely manner in the office or for a procedure.

For mucosal and submuscosal lesions/tumors. Resection of large colonic and gastric polyps and early stage cancers of the esophagus, Barrett's segment, stomach, colon and rectum. 

Hybrid ESD

Endoscopic Cystgastrostomy
For pancreatic and preipancreatic fluid colections, abscesses and walled-off necrosis. 

Gall Bladder and Bile Duct Drainage, Cholecystogastrostomy/Duodenostomy

EHL/Spyclass with Lithotripsy
For PD and CBD stones

Extracorporial shockwave lithotripsy for large PD stones that aren't amendable to standard ERCP removal. 

Bile Duct RFA

Endostitch/Endoscopic Suturing
Closure of fistulas, leaks, recurrent migration of esophageal stents. 

Celiac plexus Neurolysis

POEM (per oral endocscopy myotomy)
Gastric POEM for diabetic gastroparesis/outlet obstruction. Esophageal POEM for achalasis. Zenker's diverticulotomy and zPOEM.

Over-the-Scope Clip
For closing fistulas and perforations. 

Altered Anatomy ERCP
Post whipple, Roux en Y, Bilroth I and II anotomies. 

EUS-Guided Transgastric ERCP (EDGE) Procedure
Allows access to the excluded stomach for Roux en Y bypass patients and avoids surgical exploration

Lap-Assisted ERCP

Enteroscopy with ERCP 

Transoral incisionless fundoplication: As and alternative to Nissen fundoplication given its improved adverse event profile. For patients with partially controlled or uncontrolled reflux as well as for patients who would benefit from coming off their PPL, considering the long-term side effects. 

Difficult Biliary and Pancreatic Cannulation - With EUS-guided access/rendezvous technique. 

Fixed Sigmoid Colon/Redundant Colon Making Colonoscopy Difficult - We have new specialized scopes and stiffening wires for this purpose. 

Endoscopic Gastrojejunostomy
For bypass of malignant gastric outlet obstructionand doudenal obstruction where stenting or surgery is not feasible. 

Luminal Stenting
Esopahgeal, doudenal, gastric and colonic. 

Radiofrequency Ablation (BARRX)
Treatment of Barrett's Esophagus

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