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Quality health information can help you make informed decisions for yourself and your family.  YourHealth, the Deaconess virtual resource center, helps you be a smart, empowered patient.

From health education and information provided by Deaconess doctors and experts, to community and local resources, YourHealth connects you to the knowledge you need.

  • What Is Palliative Care?

    Perhaps you’ve heard the term “palliative care” but weren’t sure what it meant. Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with chronic illnesses, focusing on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of a chronic illness regardless of the diagnosis. The overall goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family.

  • Early Symptoms of Heart Disease

    Dominic C. Cefali, MD, PhD, FACS Cardiothoracic Surgeon, The Deaconess Heart Group

    In my nearly 20 years of practice, I've had thousands of patients tell me that they can look back and recognize symptoms they were having prior to their heart attack--certain "warning signs" in the days/weeks/months leading up to the heart attack.

  • Simple, Healthy Swaps

    Join Deaconess Employee Wellness health coaches, Gabriella Eddings and Susie Ann Oliver, in this 4-session program to discover how you can incorporate simple, healthy swaps into your day!

  • Defining Arthritis

    Dr. Mujtaba Tapal, MD, Rheumatologist, Deaconess Clinic Downtown

    Arthritis is a very common condition, affecting as many as half of all Americans in their lifetime. In my more than 20 years of practice, I’ve seen thousands of patients who are suffering from arthritis. It can be a painful and debilitating disease. However, arthritis is a broad term that describes one of several conditions.

  • What Everyone Should Know About Skin Cancer

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. People of all races can develop skin cancer. However, certain people are more likely to develop skin cancer. 

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