Public Relations Staff
During Regular Business Hours (Monday-Friday 6 AM to 6 PM)
If you are
member of local, regional or national media, call
812-450-NEWS (812-450-6397).
If you are
a patient, or calling on behalf of a patient, please
contact Patient Relations.
Any voice mail messages left on this line are automatically converted to e-mail messages and sent to all staff members. This is the fastest way to get a response during the work day.
You may also email Messages sent using this address also go to all staff members in the department.
Jennifer Popalzai
Director, Marketing and Public Relations
812-450-7511 (direct)
Abbey Doyle
Sr. Corporate Communications Coordinator
812-450-7353 (direct)
Marisa Patwa
Sr. Marketing Coordinator
812-450-0759 (direct)