At Deaconess, we believe that shared governance is a partnership between staff and leaders, collectively working toward one goal - providing quality patient care.
"Shared Governance is a structural model through which nurses can express and manage their practice with a higher level of professional autonomy.” (Porter- O’Grady, 2003, Researching Shared Governance)"
Inherent to the definition of the nursing profession is autonomy and the accountability to keep the patient at the center of care. The Nursing Shared Governance Model is an organizational structure providing direction for nursing services at Deaconess Hospital, Inc. The Nursing Shared Governance Councils define the shared governance structure for professional nursing practice decision-making that demonstrates partnership, accountability and ownership for practice oversight. Councils are attended by clinical nurses from nursing units at Deaconess Midtown, Gateway and Cross Pointe. Membership includes ad hoc members, consultants, nursing leadership and the chief nurse executive.
The purpose of the Nursing Shared Governance Structure is to provide direction for the professional practice of nursing at Deaconess Hospital, Inc.