Infant massage is a great way that you can help your baby with fussiness and bond at the same time! Our licensed and highly trained therapists at High Pointe Therapy use infant massage to treat common causes of discomfort such as:
- Gas, constipation and diarrhea
- Colic
- Colds
- Bonding with parents
In addition, therapists use specialized massage techniques to promote coordination, balance, and normal development and growth.
Other benefits of infant massage include:
- Improved feeding and weight gain
- Healthy sleep patterns
- Relaxed muscle tension and decreased stress
- Improved quiet alert periods by decreasing fussiness
- Positive interaction, communication, and attachment between infant and caregiver
Our infant massage instructors are here to help teach you how to perform the massage techniques at home so that you can take the benefits home with your baby! This service can be provided while you are a patient at the hospital or as an outpatient at our High Pointe Therapy location on the 3
rd floor of The Women’s Hospital after you go home.
In most instances, insurance will cover this therapy with an order from your pediatrician. For more information on infant massage, please call us at 812-842-2820.