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    Flat Head Syndrome

    Lorien A., MPT, OCS at The Women's Hospital 05/24/2018

    Positional Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome)
    How do we help and prevent it?

    • Reposition your baby’s head (from left to right, right to left) when your baby is sleeping on their back
    • Do NOT use any positioning equipment in your baby’s bed to keep their head in a certain position
    • Alternate the position of baby’s head in the crib
    • Whichever side of your infant's head is flattened, you will want to position your baby in the crib to encourage active turning of the head to the other side
    • Hold baby more often
    • Reduce the amount of time baby spends in car seat, bouncy seat, play yard, swings, exersaucers, Bumbo seat, and strollers
    • Consider “wearing” baby in a baby carrier such as a Tula, Ergobaby, Baby K’Tan, Boba. You can go to “Little Ants” in Evansville to try on, purchase, and ensure fit
    • Alternate the way you hold your child, so that you are encouraging them to look both directions
    • You could also try the “football” hold
    • Increase supervised tummy time
    • Tummy time will not only give baby the opportunity to improve head control and muscle strength, it will also allow babe to experience the world from a new perspective
    • It is also the precursor to babies learning to roll over, push up on their hands, and even sit up independently

    REMINDERS: Babies should always be placed on their backs to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). You should consider baby's position throughout the day, increase tummy time, and adequate stimulation during the day can help to promote a good head shape.
    A flattened skull does NOT affect brain growth or cause a developmental delay. It can, however, lead to frontal bossing, hair loss, facial asymmetry, and torticollis (muscle tightening and shortening).

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